Sized between 1,000 and 5,000 words. Any writer wishing to submit fiction in an excess of 5,000 words, please query first. Please keep in mind we prefer a comfortable word count between 2,000 and 3,500 words.

Please double space. We do not accept multiple submissions, please wait for a reply before submitting your next piece.

Please include: a short bio—who you are, what you do, hope to be. Answer this: what's your favorite novel?

No AI generated words, be your own creator, we'll respect you more for it. Your work has to be previously unpublished. We encourage you to submit your piece everywhere, but please withdraw your piece if gets published elsewhere.

We accept submissions of three (no more and no less) poems. Please submit only previously unpublished work.

We do not accept multiple submissions; please wait to hear back from us regarding your initial submission before sending another. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please withdraw your submission immediately if any or all of your poems are accepted elsewhere.

All poetry submissions must be accompanied by a cover letter that includes a two to four sentence bio in the third person. Answer this: who is your favorite poet?

Let's just say nonfiction is a piece of expository writing based in fact with a beginning, a middle and an end.

Expository writing-writing with a purpose such as, but not limited to, explanation, definition, information, description of a subject to the extent that a reader will understand and feel something.  Please keep word count between 1,000 and 5,000 words.

Base it in fact. Have at it. Choose something to write about, learn about it and teach others. That's our definition of nonfiction. We only demand that it's well written and that it serves a purpose.  

Please double space. We do not accept multiple submissions, please wait for a reply before submitting your next piece. Your work has to be previously unpublished. No AI generated words, please be the creator of your own destiny. We encourage you to submit your piece everywhere, but please withdraw your piece if gets published elsewhere. Answer this: What is your favorite nonfiction book?

Please include a 50 word 3rd person bio.  


Accepting submissions for the next cover of Umbrella Factory Magazine. We would like to incorporate images with the theme of umbrellas, factories and/or workers. Feel free to use one or all of these concepts. 

Image size should be 980x700 pixels, .jpeg file format. Save your file in the highest ppi possible. 

For the cover: provide a place for the magazine title at the top and article quotes.

We also accept small portfolios of photography and digitally rendered artwork. We accept six pieces (no more and no less) along with an artist's statement and a third person bio. Answer this: who is your favorite artist. 

Also let us know if we can alter your work in any way.

We will design a personal one page spread to announce a book/chapbook/podcast for any of our past contributors and editors. 

To help us please provide us with a jpg (72ppi min) of your book/chapbook/podcast, a synopsis or blurb of your project, the appropriate link to your project, your 50 word bio and any other information.

Upon acceptance, we'll notify you of the issue your announcement will appear in.

Umbrella Factory Magazine